Monday, February 14, 2011

Trust me, this is an interesting place

Short shorts on men are not regarded as strange, and are quite a common occurrence. As are Capri pants. I am ok with both of these things.

Tropical rain is fun :) But VERY wet. Drenching, one might even say.

Puddles are SUPER fun.

There is a very large and colorful beetle in the tree outside my window.

Being barefoot in public places (malls, grocery stores, buses, etc.) is much more normal here than in the sates, but NOT allowed in places that serve food, for obvious health code reasons.

Looking left first for cars before crossing a street could get you hit by a hurtling vehicle. Which will be coming from the right (look right, left, right, not the other way around).

They do not have slugs here. "What's a slug?" is a very strange question to be asked. I hope the answer "kinda like a snail without a shell" was sufficient.

Geckos are cute. Buses are confusing. People are friendly. Plants are vivid.

All my clothes and shoes fit into the tiny wardrobe in my room. Pleasantly shocking :)

Cheddar cheese (excuse me, Tasty cheese) is very pale yellow here. Makes me wonder what is in our blocks of Tillamook....

Everything is expensive here. Minimum wage is about A$18/hour. I feel like those two things are connected.

I keep forgetting and walking on the right side of sidewalks and paths, and then having awkward encounters with native Australians who are on the correct side. Good thing I'm not driving a car!

I got invited to a LAN party by a drunk Dutch millionaire last night.

I do believe that I will spend the next six months sweating out half my body weight every day. Give or take a few kilos.


Song of the day: Oh, It Is Love by Hellogoodbye

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