Monday, March 28, 2011

The wheels on the bus

Just the other day, I was sitting at the bus stop right outside the Student Lodge, a cool breeze on my face, I realized how much I enjoy riding the bus. Yes, it sometimes is frustrating to have to plan out my day based on when the buses run. But waiting at hot bus stops, sitting in blue and turquoise and navy patterned bus seats, and walking between bus stops and where I need to go--all of these actions give me more time to think. Instead of jumping in my car, turning on the radio, and getting to my destination exactly when I want to, exactly when I was planning, I have to wait. And that waiting is good for me. I can often be very impatient, and this is helping me to slow down and not be so antsy and uptight about things, especially involving being "on time" to things. I may want to get into Cairns at a specific time, but I will simply get there whenever the bus does, and I have no control over that.

I could just put in my iPod headphones and tune everyone out with my music, but I have this hope that by not wearing earbuds and staring vacantly out the window (like half the people on the bus do), by looking people in the eye and smiling, that people will be more likely to interact with me, to sit down and talk to me. And if not, that's fine, I'm still being a much more active participant in my environment than they are. And without music, my thoughts are free to somersault around in my head as much as they please :)

I have thought of 13 different subjects for future blog posts. I have imagined exactly what I would say and do if I ever met Aragorn, son of Arathorn (and I know this is the 2nd blog post in a row in which I've referred to Lord of the Rings, but I swear I'm not obsessed with it, really,  I've just watched it recently. Twice). I have identified that my biggest pet peeve here is that my bath towel is always wet (it never fully dries unless I spread it out in the sun). I have deeply pondered the surliness of most Sun Bus Transport bus drivers. I have composed postcards to friends back home in my head. I have brainstormed some spring break travel ideas. I have thought about which two artists I am going to compare in my art review for my Art, Artist, Environment class. I've daydreamed about the luxurious and over-extravagant trips I would take around Australia if I was a multi-millionaire. I have people-watched and made up stories and names for my fellow bus-travelers.

I love riding the bus :)


Song of the day: The Fox (cover) by Nickel Creek

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